Tibialatin Wiki
Minotaur Strait
Minotaur Strait
Ubicación: Oramond
Localización: Este de Rathleton al noroeste de Minotaur Plain (Este)
Vocaciones: Druid, Sorcerer, Paladin
Nivel: 150
Premium Account: Si
3 estrellas

3 estrellas
Quest en Minotaur Strait
La task Major Taurs de la Oramond Quest, puede ser realizada en esta zona.
En este lugar se encuentra el acceso para el boss Bullwark.
Zonas de Caza
Minotaur Strait map

Se accede por medio de unas escaleras que están en la montaña, encontrarás aquí Minotauros más fuertes, sé cuidadoso. Si eres -200 se recomienda ir en party con otro jugador.


Nombre Hit Points Experiencia Loot
3500 2400 0-198 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Meats, 0-2 Minotaur Horns, 0-2 Small Topazes, Execowtioner Mask, Great Health Potion, Great Mana Potion, Minotaur Leather, Soul Orb, 0-2 Small Rubies (semi-raro), Red Piece of Cloth (semi-raro), Butcher's Axe (raro), Crown Armor (raro), Execowtioner Axe (raro), Knight Axe (raro), Minotaur Trophy (raro), Gold Ingot (muy raro), Titan Axe (muy raro).
Minotaur Amazon
Minotaur Amazon
2600 2200 0-186 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-5 Assassin Stars, 0-3 Hams, 0-2 Minotaur Horns, 0-2 Minotaur Leathers, 0-2 Small Amethysts, 0-2 Small Emeralds, 0-2 Small Rubies, 0-2 Small Topazes, Gold Ingot, Cowbell, Great Health Potion, Great Mana Potion, Meat, Red Piece of Cloth, Ring of Healing, Stone Skin Amulet, Mino Lance, Mino Shield, Warrior Helmet, Bullseye Potion.
Minotaur Hunter
Minotaur Hunter
1400 1700 0-152 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Blank Runes, 0-2 Minotaur Horns, 0-2 Small Amethysts, 0-2 Small Rubies, 0-2 Strong Health Potions, 0-2 Strong Mana Potions, 0-5 Royal Spears, Blue Piece of Cloth, Green Piece of Cloth, Hunting Spear, Minotaur Leather, Red Gem, Red Piece of Cloth, Soul Orb, Stealth Ring, Yellow Gem, Mino Shield (raro), Minotaur Trophy (raro), Mooh'tah Plate (raro).
Mooh'Tah Warrior
Mooh'Tah Warrior
1200 900 0-112 Gold Coins, 0-2 Minotaur Horns, Cowtana, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Mooh'tah Shell, Plate Armor, Small Amethyst, Small Emerald, Small Ruby, Small Topaz, Strong Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion, Sword Ring, Red Piece of Cloth, Guardian Shield (semi-raro), Minotaur Trophy (raro), Mooh'tah Plate (raro).
3200 2600 0-161 Gold Coins, 0-2 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Moohtant Horns, 0-2 Small Diamonds, 0-2 Small Rubies, 0-3 Great Mana Potions, Gold Ingot, Chaos Mace, Giant Pacifier, Minotaur Trophy, Moohtant Cudgel, Red Piece of Cloth, Ring of Healing, Spiked Squelcher, Yellow Gem.
Worm Priestess
Worm Priestess
1100 1500 0-150 Gold Coins, 0-3 Platinum Coins, 0-2 Minotaur Horns, 0-2 Small Amethysts, 0-2 Small Diamonds, 0-2 Small Emeralds, 0-2 Small Sapphires, 0-2 Small Topazes, 0-2 Small Rubies, 0-3 Strong Mana Potions, Purple Robe, Snakebite Rod, Taurus Mace, Minotaur Leather (semi-raro), Torch (semi-raro), Blue Piece of Cloth (raro), Green Piece of Cloth (raro), Red Piece of Cloth (raro), Underworld Rod (raro), Yellow Gem (raro), Minotaur Trophy (muy raro), Red Gem (muy raro).


Nombre Hit Points Experiencia Loot
65000 16725 200 Gold Coins, 5 Platinum Coins, 5 Small Diamonds, 5 Small Emeralds, 5 Small Rubies, 5 Small Sapphires, 5 Meats, 5 Hams, 5 Great Health Potions, 5 Great Mana Potion, 5 Great Spirit Potions, Giant Pacifier, 2 Moohtant Horns, Minotaur Leather, Red Piece of Cloth (raro), One Hit Wonder (muy raro).